Cannabis Terpenes

In addition to common cannabis terms, like cannabinoid, indica, and sativa, you may have recently encountered a less commonly used word: terpenes. These are yet another compound found in cannabis.

But, exactly, what are terpenes? And how crucial is it to know which types and concentrations of cannabis are present in a product before purchasing it?

What are they, exactly?

Terpenes are chemical substances that occur naturally in plants and animals. Aromas, smells, and even colors associated with distinct types of vegetation are all due to them. Terpenes are the compounds in cannabis that give various strains their distinct aromas and flavors.

They can also be processed into produce products, like cleaning solvents, pesticides, and dyes. Some even have therapeutic properties.

While nearly all plants contain terpenes, some of the more common sources people encounter them include:

• cannabis

• aromatic herbs, like sage and thyme

• citrus fruits


How do terpenes affect the body?


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