What is a Good Weed

There seems to be an endless supply of cannabis items and accessories these days. It doesn't matter if you don't have excellent cannabis, though. But how can you tell which cannabis is excellent and which isn't? It's crucial to understand the components of the cannabis plant.

Cannabis contains a number of active compounds that each uniquely contribute to the varied effects of different cannabis strains. What someone considers to be good weed might not be to someone else; it all depends on what they’re looking for. So understanding the active components of cannabis and how they work is crucial to determining the best cannabis strain for you. 

Is it organic? It may not be important for someone there, but for the connoisseur it is the number one factor. Not only do organic flowers smell and taste better than "chemols", but the high as well as the descent are more pleasant. If your dealer does not know it, maybe it's time to grow your own plant!

Is it well dried? If the top is dried properly, the branch should slam when it is bent. If it just bends, the herb is wet and is not yet suitable for smoking. Another way to test if the grass is properly dried is to check if the joint from such material burns well and does not go out. 

Understanding “What is Good Weed?”

 In order to understand how smoking weed gets you high, it’s important to know what chemical compounds make up the “high” one may experience while under the effects of cannabis.


If the ash burns white than the plant has had all of it’s hard metals and nutrients flushed out properly. This is more noticeable in “organic” grows.

The smoke should be smooth – even if it makes you cough the smoke should not taste harsh.

A great strain has a flavor and after trying enough of them you can discover your favorites.


Good pot always has a smell. If it doesn’t have an apparent smell, then pick it up and squeeze it so you can get the smell out of a dryer nug. If there is no smell at all, then its bunk or stale weed. Good weed smells vary from fruity, skunky, cheesy, diesel, piney and sometimes even chocolate cannabis strains. If the smell is disgusting to you then the taste of the bud will be the same. You can smell rot on bad bud, so always trust your nose.


Sticky to the touch! The best weed rubs off on one’s fingers. When the only way to break it up is in a grinder, you know you’re dealing with primo bud. However if the nug is too wet the smoke will taste harsh. Wet bud is always heavier. For the best quality smoke, it’s best to allow the plant to dry first. Too wet can turn into mold, so be careful for white powdery mildew and black bud rot on your wet nugs.

Cannabinoids for Good Weed

The most well-known type of active cannabis ingredient is cannabinoids. Over 100 cannabinoids have been found by researchers, but cannabidiol (CBD) and tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) are the main two that have a significant impact on the properties of cannabis plants (THC). To elicit a variety of effects, these cannabinoids operate on the endocannabinoid system via cannabinoid receptors, non-cannabinoid receptors, and the modification of other receptor pathways.

THC – (Tetrahydrocannabinol) – gets a user high, a larger proportion of THC will produce a stronger high. Without THC you don’t get high.

THC is responsible for most of the cerebral (mental) effects of cannabis. Besides potentially inducing feelings of euphoria and happiness, THC can cause people to feel anxious, nervous, or paranoid. *

CBD (Cannabidiol) increases some of the effects of THC and decreases other effects of THC. Larger amounts of CBD tend to relax both mind and body, and decrease feelings like anxiety, nervousness, and paranoia.

Cannabis that has a high level of THC and low level of CBD (Cannabis Sativa) will produce a very strong cerebral high. The body may feel more physically energetic when compared to ingesting cannabis with larger levels of CBD.

Cannabis that has a high level of both THC and CBD will produce a strong cerebral high. The body will feel somewhat relaxed and heavy. At lower dose sizes, physical activity is possible (with effort).

As the dose size increases, the body will feel more relaxed and heavy. This makes physical activity require more effort. Fresh hashish is an example of a cannabis product with high levels of both THC and CBD.


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