10 things to do with your spare time after you get weed delivered

There are so many things you do can do any really get more enjoyment out of when you are high. Looking for weed delivery in dc or weed near you Lucky Chuckie is always the go too!
This article will explain what to do any why helping enhance the experience. As a native to the district, I understand how precious time is in living in a fast paced, cut throat corporate environment. Fortunately I work for a fantastic international company that allows me to work remotely with out being subjected to a drug test. Here are just a few ways that I like to spend my time when I’m am stoned.

1.) listen to music/sing- I like to have a dance party, sometimes by myself.

This could happen at any moment when I’m on the metro with my headphones, when I’m getting ready after I take a shower in the morning.

2.) Cook up a storm!

I have an issue with my diet where I really don’t get hungry and it’s hard as hell to enjoy a meal without an appetite. I’m also a lot more creative when I smoke in general. I love to bake and will make oatmeal cookies from scratch, and I feel more inspired to try new things in the kitchen when I smoke Most recently the weather has been changing to that crisp, breezy sweater and boots weather so I was inspired to make a cheesy loaded baked potato soup. Damn it was SO good!!!!!!!

3.) Work Out, but only with a saliva heavy flower.

When I first started smoking, my boyfriend at the time introduced me to it and told me it made him feel more focused mentally when he smoked before he played a game of pickup with his friends. I tried it and the trick is to put your work out clothes on first, and then smoke, and the go workout. I don’t frequent gyms or fancy studios but I will go for a run totally blazed and admire something as simple as the sunset, or the bright colors around me as I run thought the woods. And now that I’m conditioned I only work out when I’m stoned. It’s a great way to combine something you might not want to do with something that you love to do.

4.) Plan for the future and stretch the “big dreams” part of your brain

Have you ever thought about traveling to a new country or having an new experience that would break you out of your comfort zone? I really like to take time to think outside of my rigid routine and dream about what the rest of my life might look like. I like to do things like research housing prices in different markets, walk around on google earth in other countries, YouTube walking tours in other cities. Maybe you want to marry a prince? Or build a tiny house? Sometimes it’s nice to kick back, to daydream and pretend, or if your like me start booking reservations months in advance. Either way, we can thank corona for reminding us all that we have to plan things if we want them to happen.

5.) fashion show. This one is my favorite. I am obsessed with my wardrobe, and what season is what. I will smoke a fat bowl, stand in the mirror and creat new outfits from Pinterest 1 season ahead. I am famous for this and delight in spending hours of my free time putting together outfits because, ladies?! Guys?! I want to go out and be seen and-have predetermined outfits spring loaded for the next event

6.) Get mentally ready for work

Let’s admit it, smoking before work is almost necessary depending on your occupation of course. If you wake up and feel stressed before your shift, toke up and have a fantastic day. I got so high the other day and my hair was blowing in the wind while I was waiting at the bus stop I felt like a celebrity. That was a great day

7.) Fix something.

I am a bit OCD and like things to be in working order when I live, maybe that’s not OCD but I despise broken things regardless. Replacing lightbulbs, touching up paint, possibly finishing a project that you starter before corona. You know the one I’m talking about....

8.)Get Organized

I recently watched Kim Kardashians video where she gives a tour of her kids playroom and I was cracking up because all of the books, all of the pencils and even the legos were all segregated. If you haven’t seen the video, it’s cute but you would notice it. I’m not saying that we need to be like Kim, because we don’t, but I do find myself organizing when I smoke.

9.) Google yourself

That’s right! You are responsible for your own image online and if you are not googling yourself you are not keeping up with your digital impression. You may love what you see, and you may see things that need to come down. After college, I deleted everything because I thought it might impact my ability to get a job. This is still the case for new grads, and particularly professionals seeking new opportunities.

10.) Be on vacation

When I went to Miami for the first time I was terrified to fly with flower because I knew the airport dogs would sniff me out. When we landed it seemed like the most perfect vacation ever but there was one thing missing-BUD. The bartender at the resort sold us some really nice stuff, i think it was blue dream but he called it gator bud because we were in Florida. Don’t go on vacation unless there is supply there because it’s just not the same! It’s not he same laying topless by an Infiniti pool sipping a Miami Vice cocktail unless your stoned. It’s just not the same!


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