2020: A Scrooge of a year – Bah! Humbug

Finally, we have reached the holidays. Luckily, this time of the year is the most fun, warm, eventful, and pleasantly stressful. 2020 has hands down been the most mind-blowing, life-altering, shockingly unexpected year in history. Let’s look back, shall we? We had the Australian and west coast forest fires, a WWIII scare, Meghan Markle and Prince Harry leave (I mean quit) the royal family, the death of Kobe Bryant, Coronavirus aka “The Plague from China” aka COVID-19, a coin, yeast, meat, flour, milk, tissue, sanitizer, and disinfectant shortage, a stock market crash, the Trump impeachment, civil unrest and protests across the globe for racial justice, Chadwick Boseman’s unexpected death, murder hornets arrive to the US, the deadly explosion in Beirut, the death of Chief Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, the US president being hospitalized after contracting COVID-19, the wildest election in history, Biden winning the presidency, and we are still dealing with the onset of another economic crisis. And just think, we still have one more month to go before we can all say good riddance to 2020. The holidays however always have a way of smoothing over even the roughest of years. The holiday decorations, eggnog drinks that warm the soul, roasting chestnuts by the fire (or just listening to the song), watching Christmas movies, going to events around the city, or escaping to simply go hotboxing in some relatives’ car while you are out of town. Well, however you chose to celebrate the holidays, make sure you light an exclusive blunt for the fact that if you are reading this then you made it through the arguably most difficult year since the Great Depression. Cheers to that! As we begin the hustle and bustle for the race to December 31st, make sure you take a moment to enjoy yourself. The Washington DC metro area has a lot of outdoor activities to enjoy from holiday light shows, the downtown Christmas markets, Gingerbread contest parties, Glow in Georgetown, Enchant at National’s Stadium, and so much more. Not to mention if you are visiting DC for the first time, you will find that even getting weed can be just as fun as looking for the family Christmas tree. From dispensaries, to pop up shops, to delivery companies, or even companies that service customers with curbside pickup, all of the companies have a little something to make your holiday a little more chill. If you are looking for a real treat, definitely link up with your friends and loved ones and check out LuckyChuckie’s Cannabis Tours. Unlike many other tours, LuckyChuckie tours can be personalized to your liking while trying some cannabis products to ensure that your ride is relaxing and fun. So whether it is a simple couples tour or to view the decorated Christmas trees while trying some of the best weed in DC, LuckyChuckie is here to help make sure you close out your 2020 very merry and high.

Written By: Lady Kay


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Merry Litmas