A Complete Guide for Weed Etiquette

Weed Etiquette. What is that, you might be asking? Simply put, it is a guide on how to act when smoking weed with others. It can be helpful for those new to smoking weed and who want to make sure they don’t do anything wrong, but it can also be a good refresher course for veteran smokers. There are some general etiquette tips that apply no matter what situation you find yourself in, as well as specific tips for smoking with friends, smoking at home, and smoking outdoors. So, whether you’re a first-timer or an old pro, keep reading to learn all about weed etiquette. 

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·       Be Respectful 

One of the most important things to remember when it comes to weed etiquette is that not everyone enjoys smoking weed. Just because you like it doesn’t mean everyone else does, so be respectful of other people’s wishes if they say they don’t want to smoke. If you’re smoking at home, make sure everyone who lives there is okay with it before you start smoking. The last thing you want is to make someone feel uncomfortable in their own home. 

·       Ask Others  

When smoking with others, always ask before taking a hit off their joint or bowl. It’s considered rude to just take a hit without asking, and it might make the other person feel uncomfortable. If you’re offered a hit, it’s polite to take it, but you don’t have to if you don’t want to. Just be respectful and ask before taking anything from someone else. 

·       Clean Up 

If you’re smoking at a friend’s house, offer to help clean up afterward. It’s always nice to offer to help clean up when you’ve made a mess, and it shows that you respect your friend’s home. The same goes for smoking outdoors. If you see that there is litter around, pick it up and dispose of it properly. No one wants to sit in a park full of garbage, so do your part to keep the area clean.

·       Be a Provider, Not a taker 

In social situations, it's always best to be a provider rather than a taker. When it comes to weed, that means bringing your own stash and being generous with it. No one wants to be the person who is constantly asking for hits or taking advantage of other people's generosity. If you're the one with the green, make sure you're sharing it so everyone can enjoy. 

·       Be considerate of others 

Weed smokers come in all shapes and sizes, so it's important to be considerate of others when indulging. If you're smoking in a group, take turns so everyone gets an opportunity to enjoy. Be mindful of how much you're smoking and don't hog all the weed. Also, be considerate of others who may not want to smoke. Just because you're enjoying a joint doesn't mean everyone wants to join in.

·       Be respectful of the weed 

Weed is a sacred plant that should be respected. That means no wasting it or smoking it carelessly. When you're smoking a joint, take your time and savor the flavor. Don't just inhale and exhale without enjoying the experience. Weed is also delicate, so handle it with care. Don't drop it on the ground or grind it up too roughly. Treat it with respect and it will treat you well in return. 


 In general, just be respectful of others and be considerate of their wishes. Smoking weed is supposed to be a fun and relaxing experience, so don’t ruin it for everyone by being rude or inconsiderate. Follow these simple etiquette tips and you’ll be sure to have a good time.


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