Black Lives Matter...Period.

Trayvon Martin, Tamir Rice, Michael Brown, Eric Garner, Philando Castile, Breona Taylor and countless others… we say their names! Why? Because they could have been our brothers, sisters, cousins, aunts, uncles, mothers, fathers and we are tired! Tired of watching these lives being taken at the hand of officers wearing blue. Perceived as threats just because the color of their skin is brown. Most recently, social media hit with the news of yet another shooting - Jacob Blake. I told myself the narrative is enough, don't watch the video, don't do it. Yet, I still ended up viewing the video and witness yet again, trauma in watching because it is not normal to see black people die on the internet and it's traumatic to our whole community each time that we have to witness this happening, over and over.

What will it take to make a difference? We have to keep up the fight, we have to use our voices...we will not be silenced! Last night one of the biggest boycotts that we've seen thus far took place as the Milwaukee Bucks made a decision to boycott their playoff game, followed by the NBA deciding to postpone Game 5 in wake of this boycott. But, that wasn't all, within hours, three WNBA, five Major League Soccer and three Major League Baseball games were called off as athletes acted in solidarity with the Bucks' players. 

This Friday, August 28th tens of thousands of people are expected to gather in Washington, DC at the Lincoln Memorial to commemorate the historic March on Washington. 57 years ago in 1963 we fought, for jobs and freedom, and in 2020 we are still fighting, this time asking for justice, still to value our lives, and for them to "Get their knees off our necks!" To all of our brothers and sisters, Lucky Chuckie stands with you!


Summer 2020…Out !


420 Dating Scene