Brighter, Higher Days Ahead

Last Wednesday, January 6th I sat watching my TV in disbelief of everything taking place right in our backyard… at the Capitol. It literally felt surreal like, you know we've heard everything the extreme right talked of doing but I personally thought they'd never get far enough to play it out. Guess you can say I wear rose colored glasses through life, as I'm very optimistic, always looking for the positive. At the end of the day, we all know what happened and why it happened and I'll stop the discussion about them right there as I refuse to give them any acknowledgement on our platform. 

January 6th, 2021 was also a day of victory that cannot be overlooked. That was the winning by the Democratic party of both senate seats that were up for grabs. Flipping the house and giving control to the Democrats. Not too long ago, we wrote about the MORE Act and what exactly it could mean for the legalization of cannabis. And this flip of the house brings a great opportunity in the future of cannabis decriminalization and seeing this bill passed. This was further seen in the stock market as marijuana stocks began to soar. 

With inauguration day upon us, even these crazy days hopefully you too feel the sense of change on the horizon. Make sure to take care of yourself both mentally and physically. I know it can be easy to get wrapped up in the news but keep it at a minimum, even disconnection from social media as needed. Having trouble sleeping? Check us out at Lucky Chuckie DC for an array of Indica Strains to turn your thoughts off and get the rest your body needs. Some of the best strains to achieve this are, Garlic Breath, Papaya, or Lucky OG.

Peace out yall, here's to better days!


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