“Cannamoms” Moms Who USE CANNABIS

Anyone with kids knows it takes a village to raise them. From terrible 2’s to preteens, the hustle and bustle never stops. I knew I was officially a “cannamom” when I just couldn’t wait to put the kids to sleep so I could enjoy a nicely rolled joint before I hit the hay myself. It’s becoming more and more of the norm for moms to use cannabis. A lot of moms use marijuana as a “wellness” tool to help parenting be more peaceful in those stressful moments. Watching baby shark sober? Not so fun. Watching baby shark after hitting the vape a few times? Fun as hell! Relatable.  


Society has assumptions that parents who use pot only cares about getting high and must be a neglectful parent. That couldn’t be farther from the truth. I know a lot of moms, myself included, who use cannabis as a way to alleviate anxieties throughout the day, and to have more patience and understanding with our children. In my eyes, I see moms who smoke bud are no different than the moms who like drinking wine. Heck! Sometimes combining those two together is just the right mix a mom needs to bring us back in touch with why we love those kiddos in the first place .


Of course one would wonder how you can be high and still function to parent your kids. Well for starters, don’t go sparking up an knowing your daughter has cheer practice in two hours. I like to think balance is key when using cannabis: small doses at a time in whichever method you choose to partake. Just a few puffs to get my buzz and then continue my day with my children. Now there are even so many ways to use marijuana, from the regular flower to vapes, bongs, and edibles. These days, they even have THC patches you can use, which is handy for most on-the-go parents. So even if you’re a mom who’s new to the Mary Jane Crew, there’s something for everyone’s liking. 



Consuming cannabis can have many benefits for your mental health and physical health. Some women struggle not only with depression, but anxiety, insomnia, and more. There are women who have other health-related issues as well that pharmaceutical medicines just won’t suffice for. Using cannabis has proven holistic benefits that are more favorable and just overall more natural for your body. According to the National Institute of Health, “Preclinical evidence conclusively demonstrates CBD’s efficacy in reducing anxiety behaviors relevant to multiple disorders, including post traumatic stress disorder or PTSD, generalized anxiety disorder or GAD, personality disorder or PD, obsessive compulsive disorder or OCD, and seasonal depression disorder or SAD, with a notable lack of anxiogenic effects.” If you have questions or concerns, please contact your personal doctor.

I know it’s intimidating to expose yourself as being a mom who uses cannabis regularly. If you want to find more women to relate to and feel more proud to be a “cannamom”, check out https://www.thecannamomshow.com/blog 


420 celebration week guide.
