DC Marijuana Laws | What You Can And Cannot Do With Cannabis

Marijuana laws in Washington DC are some of the most relaxed in the United States. Possession of small amounts of marijuana is decriminalized, and smoking in public places is legal as long as it is not done near schools or other areas where children are present. However, there are still some restrictions on what you can and cannot do with cannabis in DC.

·        Public Use

You are allowed to smoke marijuana in public places in DC, as long as you are at least 21 years old and not within 1,000 feet of a school or daycare center. You are also not allowed to smoke inside any establishment that sells alcohol or tobacco.

·       Possession

Adults 21 years of age or older are allowed to possess up to 2 ounces of marijuana. If you have more than 2 ounces, it must be kept in your home and out of public view.

·       Growing

Adults 21 years of age or older are allowed to grow up to 6 marijuana plants, with no more than 3 mature plants at a time. Plants must be grown in a private residence and out of public view.

·       Selling

It is illegal to sell marijuana in DC, even if you are 21 years of age or older. The only exception is if you are a registered medical marijuana patient or caregiver, and you are selling to another registered patient or caregiver.

·       You must be 19+ years old.

The legal age to purchase, consume, and possess cannabis in Washington, D.C. is 19 years old. This is the same age as alcohol. If you are caught with cannabis under the age of 19, you may be subject to a fine of up to $100. If you are caught consuming cannabis in public, you may be subject to a fine of up to $25. Consumption of cannabis is only allowed on private property.

It is important to note that smoking cannabis is not allowed on federal property, which includes national parks, monuments, and buildings. Possession of up to two ounces of cannabis is decriminalized in Washington, D.C. This means that you will not be arrested or imprisoned for possessing small amounts of cannabis. However, you may still be subject to a fine of up to $100.

·       Medical Marijuana

Patients with certain medical conditions are able to register for a medical marijuana card, which allows them to possess up to 4 ounces of marijuana and grow up to 12 plants. Patients must have a valid recommendation from a licensed physician in order to register.

·       Driving

It is illegal to drive under the influence of marijuana in DC. If you are pulled over and found to be driving while impaired, you may face stiff penalties, including jail time.

·       Employment

Employers in DC are not required to accommodate employees who use medical marijuana, and they can still drug test and fire employees who test positive for cannabis. However, employers cannot discriminate against employees based on their status as a medical marijuana patient.


Yes, marijuana is legal in Washington DC, but there are still some important things to know before indulging. First and foremost, it is still illegal to smoke cannabis in public places. This includes sidewalks, parks, and pretty much anywhere that isn't a private residence. Secondly, while you can possess up to two ounces of marijuana for personal use, it is still illegal to sell or distribute the drug. Finally, remember that marijuana laws vary from state to state, so be sure to check the laws of wherever you're travelling to before bringing any weed with you.


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