Do the Benefits of Medical Marijuana Overshadow its Negatives?

Six out of ten Americans support Marijuana legalization. Roughly one-third of the people want it to be decriminalized for therapeutic purposes. However, cannabis legalization has always been a burning question. The reason is its habit-forming nature and susceptibility to abuse. The proponents of its legalization highlight its pros, such as its economic benefits and use in managing impacts on public health. Gear up to explore the pros and cons of legalizing marijuana in this article. 

Advantages of Permitting Marijuana Consumption

Many states in America allow marijuana to be consumed for therapy. Some other states allow its use for the sake of entertainment and pleasure, too. We are sharing some benefits of legalizing medical marijuana.

1.    Marijuana's Potential to Cure Diseases

Marijuana serves as a therapy for several health problems. Some of its strains, such as indica, can help relieve different types of persistent pain conditions. Unlike opiates and other painkillers, marijuana is non-intoxicating and non-sedating. It has the potential to cure: 

●       High blood pressure

●       Neuropathic pain

●       Anxiety disorders like PTSD and OCD

●       Inflammation

●       Gastrointestinal problems

●       Seizure syndromes like epilepsy

●       Appetite loss

●       Nausea and vomiting

●       Pain in chemotherapy patients 

Besides this, marijuana can prevent the recurrence of addiction in individuals combating alcohol abuse.

2.    Patients Prefer Marijuana Over Other Legal Drugs

Many patients prefer marijuana over prescription drugs and opiates. The reason is the reduced likelihood of substance dependence resulting from marijuana. However, there is a risk of behavioral dependence with regular marijuana consumption. However, no fatal overdose of cannabis has ever been reported. Therefore, marijuana can be a good treatment option in an era of opioid crisis.

As marijuana is guaranteed to be “safer” than most legal drugs, patients with renal or gastrointestinal disorders, anxiety, and depression use it instead of NSAIDs like: 

●       Alprazolam

●       Lorazepam

●       Clonazepam

●       Sertraline

●       Trazadone

●       Bupropion

3.    Marijuana Legalization Yields a Notable Rise in Tax Revenue

Marijuana legalization can be a revenue booster. Have a look at these statistics regarding how decriminalizing marijuana has increased revenue collected from marijuana cultivation, distribution, and sales. 

Tax revenue collected in 2023: 

●       In America: $ 4.18 billion

●       In California: $ 1.1 billion 

Tax revenue collected in Washington in 2024 so far: More than $ 4.1 billion.

4.    Marijuana Legalization Provides Increased Job Growth and Investment Opportunities

Legalization necessitates establishing marijuana dispensaries and nurseries in different states. As a result: 

●       The job market will grow as more personnel are needed to grow, process, and retail marijuana products.

●       More jobs will be available in industries that are not directly associated with marijuana cultivation or distribution but are somehow related to it, such as the software development industry, construction companies, and financing agencies. 

Furthermore, legal marijuana can significantly increase investment opportunities on local as well as national levels. However, the number of cannabis-related companies trading on public stock exchanges is extremely small. Federal legalization of marijuana can increase this number.

Negatives of Marijuana Legalization

Despite being illegal under federal law, possession of marijuana for medicinal and recreational purposes has increased. However, augmented cannabis usage raises a question: Whether the widespread use of marijuana outrule its cons? Have a look at some drawbacks of marijuana legalization.

1.    Easy Availability of the Drug that is Harmful for Teens

Marijuana is legal for adults on the state level, and legalization provides easier access to everyone, be it children or young adults. Easy accessibility raises concerns regarding unintentional childhood exposure to drug and substance abuse. Exposing pediatric patients to medical marijuana can have short-term and long-term consequences on their mental and physical health. Moreover, exposure to marijuana before birth makes children susceptible to: 

●       Hyperactivity

●       Impulsivity

●       Inattention

●       Disturbed visual memory

●       Problems with visual-motor coordination 

Marijuana is now available as edibles like gummy bears and hard candies. A child can accidentally end up eating an entire marijuana candy bar, thinking of it as a regular treat. The resulting overdose can lead to serious health problems. 

It does not end here! Marijuana overdose in young adults under 25 years of age can lead to decreased cognitive function. It is important to mention here that teens who smoke marijuana can lose upto 8 IQ points.

2.    Marijuana’s Other Side Effects

Despite being a cure for many disorders, marijuana poses high risks to human health. Have a look at some dangerous side effects of marijuana:

●      Altered Senses:

Marijuana overdose can alter five senses. People who consume marijuana can: 

●       See brighter colors

●       Have an altered sense of time

●       Experience change in moods

●       Have impaired body movement

●       Have hallucinations and delusions

●       Suffer from psychosis

●      Physical Problems:

Marijuana consumption can result in various health problems, such as: 

●       Breathing problems

●       Frequent cough and phlegm

●       Increased heart rate and, ultimately, increased risk of heart attack

●       Lung infections and increased risk of lung cancer

●       Impaired driving skills that can result in accidents

●       Cannabinoid Hypermesis Syndrome (ICHS patients experience regular episodes of malaise and loss of body fluids)

●      Ensuring Quality Check is a Challenge:

Marijuana quality management is not easy. The reason is that it has different strains and potency levels. The underlying factors affect quality management in the cannabis industry. 

●       Changes in regulatory requirements by the government

●       Lack of standard protocols for manufacturing and testing marijuana

●       Complexity of the manufacturing process

●       Lack of specific metrics to test cannabis quality

●       Absence of pre-defined quality management processes

Scientific Evidence on Medical Use of Marijuana

There is little scientific evidence of the medicinal benefits of marijuana. Due to the increased use, there is a need to conduct more clinical trials. It will help evaluate the effectiveness of marijuana in treating various diseases. 

Although various studies validate that marijuana has the potential to reduce the consumption of prescription opioids. However, researchers have still not been able to find its long-term effects. More research is required to provide scientific evidence of the risks associated with marijuana. Pain management for improving the quality of life has been considered the main purpose of marijuana consumption. However, according to research, although some animal models show that cannabis helps relieve pain, human studies provide mixed evidence. 

Lastly, lack of funding is a major barrier to conducting cannabis research. Cannabis’s Schedule 1 categorization further stops the researchers from applying for the funds. The government should address regulatory barriers to facilitate marijuana-related scientific research.


The use of marijuana for medicinal and pleasure purposes has been increasing despite being illegal under Federal Law. Apparently, it works like a charm in pain management and treating health problems. It is safer than opiates and other prescription drugs. Additionally, marijuana legalization can serve as a tax revenue booster. It also increases job and investment opportunities. However, there are some drawbacks to legalizing marijuana. Its side effects include altered senses, breathing, and cognitive problems. Now, you have to decide whether marijuana decriminalization is beneficial or harmful!


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