Exotic Organics D.C: Driving With Legal Marijuana, What Are The Risks?

Since becoming legal in the District of Columbia, traveling with cannabis has been much more acceptable, however, there are some things that should be taken into consideration before hitting the road with weed in a tote as well as risks when it comes to driving with cannabis in your possession. Even though weed has become legal in the District of Columbia as well as the state of Maryland you can still be brought up on charges if you get pulled over and the cannabis is not stored properly. It's the same as driving under the influence of alcohol, if found guilty of driving under the influence of cannabis you could face charges of up to one year in jail, a $2,500 fine, and a license suspension for one year. Continue reading to become more informed on how to travel with marijuana safely.

What To Do If You're Pulled Over

The police are no longer able to pull you over or do a vehicle search based solely on the odor of weed. However, it can still happen and listed here are some things you should take into consideration if this does happen;

Always show respect and kindness: It's so important to show respect to authority even if they are provoking you, it will not turn out well if you return the same behavior. Be polite and avoid sarcasm, still be yourself because cops are trained in knowing how to discern character traits and may feel that you are hiding something if they feel you are being obviously phony.

Know the law and your rights: Make sure to be aware of the Fourth Amendment which will guard you from unreasonable searches. If asked to search your car without reasonable cause say no and be sure that they are aware of the fact that you are knowledgeable with your right when it comes to the Fourth Amendment.

Don't overuse cover up spray:  A strong air freshener scent coming from your vehicle is a sure sign that you're trying to hide something. Go light when spraying scented air freshener to keep suspicion down.

Have access to eye drops: Dropping some eyedrops in your eyes can be a lifesaver when getting stopped by the police. Doing this can eliminate a reason to say that they have probable cause and a legal reason to search your car. Having red eyes is a tell tale sign of being high, do yourself a favor by purchasing some quality eye drops to clear up red eyes.

The Rules On Traveling With Weed The Car

Even though cannabis for recreational use is now legal in Washington, D.C., Maryland, and Virginia, you can still be brought on charges for driving with cannabis in the vehicle. Since becoming legal, some people treat smoking weed like smoking a cigarette, but it's not the same in the eyes of the law. If you get stopped by the police while driving, pull over as soon as it is safe to do so and if asked to step out of the car, you are legally obligated to do so, However, the cop is not legally allowed to search your vehicle without your permission or a warrant unless for probable cause, that being the smell of weed, cannabis products that are in sight or being alerted by a drug-sniffing canine. If the police cannot explain probable cause and they do not possess a warrant, you can deny a request to search your vehicle and never consent to a search. If you consent while in possession of cannabis just tell the officer that they have the right to take your stash because they will find it. if in fact, a cop does find cannabis in your car you can assume that you will not be driving away, for one, the officer has no knowledge of whether you consumed any and are driving intoxicated. More often than not you will be brought into the station and will need a lawyer that specializes in offenses dealing with cannabis possession. With that being said if you have weed in the car it is highly likely that it will be found by trained police officers. The law for traveling with cannabis is that it must be in an unopened container within an inaccessible area of the vehicle, like the trunk or locked glove compartment, away from the driver and passengers.

 5 FAQs Being Pulled Over With Cannabis

Can I be pulled over specifically for having cannabis in my car?

In the DMV where cannabis is legal, the police don't have the right you'll you over solely based on the presence of cannabis in your vehicle however,if you are driving like you are under the  or breaking traffic laws it can lead to a traffic stop and he officer may then inquire about cannabis.

What should I do if I get pulled over with cannabis in the car?

Always remember to remain calm and follow the officer's instructions. If it's evident that you have cannabis in the car, it's best to be honest if you are directly asked about it. cooperate with the officer and provide the proper documentation that is asked for.

Can the police search my car if they smell weed?

It's important to know the regulations in your specific area, if you are unsure about your rights, consult with a legal professional.

What are the potential consequences of being pulled over with cannabis?

The consequences can vary depending on where you are and the circumstances. If you are in a place where cannabis is legal, but have violated certain laws or regulations, you may face charges that result in fines or tickets. If the amount and placement in the vehicle are not legal, you could face more severe consequences, including fines, license suspension, or even criminal charges.

Can I transport cannabis in my vehicle legally?

In legal areas, there are typically restrictions on the amount of weed you can possess and how it should be stored during travel. It's important to be familiar with the local regulations to avoid any legal issues.


In conclusion, remember that laws and regulations surrounding cannabis can change, so it's essential to stay updated with the laws in your jurisdiction and seek professional legal advice if you find yourself faced with legal issues. The advice listed above may be of assistance if you are pulled over with weed in your possession, Be aware that driving while under the influence of cannabis is illegal, and if pulled over, you can face having your license suspended and even jail time. We at Exotic Organics do not promote driving with cannabis in your possession unless you're leaving the dispensary and going straight home, and the weed is locked in your trunk. We are not responsible if you are still taken into custody even after following the above tips, and always remember to never smoke or allow cannabis consumption while in your vehicle


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