Indica, Sativa, or Hybrid...Oh My!

Like many other curious teens, growing up I tried marijuana….a few times. However after a few attempts, I realized it wasn't for me. I hated the feeling, I just didn't enjoy it. Quickly, I decided that drinking would be my go-to, my vice to take them steam off, the edge I needed at the parties etc.

 Welp, fast forward many years later, after speaking to various counterparts they all said, "trust me, weed these days is different", I would listen over and over but still really thinking, naw, I doubt it. So, I continued to end my days with glasses of red wine or taking it up a notch with shots at the club. 

Like many of us, anxieties of the world began to get the best of know the stuff that keeps you up at night...the worries of bills, work, family, name it, I worried. I shared what I was going through with a friend and they suggested that I try some different to calm my nerves. They pulled out a blunt, I took a puff and the rest is history.

So, the time came for me to make my 1st purchase on my own, by myself. I expected to roll into the store, ordering off the menu like a fast food restaurant. I'll take the #1...but that's not quite how it went. I saw indicas, sativas, and hybrids and thought to myself...what in the absolute fuck… 

I was looking for something to calm me at night, ease my sore body after a gym workout, all in all, to provide me with relaxation and a body high… the gentleman helping me told me that an Indica dominant strain would be the way to go. I made my purchase, went home and tried out my new purchase...had the best sleep that I had experienced in awhile.

So, once becoming better acquainted with Indicas, it was time to see what Sativa dominant flowers were about. I told you, I'm a shot girl in the club so I was looking to match that high. Baby...the Sativa gave it to me. Provided me energy and head high to literally tear the club up all night long!

And what about the Hybrid strains...sometimes if I'm just looking for a mix of both the benefits of Indica and Sativa, I'll pick up a hybrid strain. This is what I like to call the surprise box because you never really quite know what you'll feel from a hybrid strain.


Chronic Illness & Cannabis