Indoor On Terpenoids Vs Outdoor Growing On Terpenoids

When you think of cannabis, do you picture plants growing in the wild, under the sun? If so, you're not alone. Many people think that cannabis grown outdoors is the healthiest and most potent option. However, a growing number of cannabis users are beginning to appreciate the benefits of indoor-grown weed. One reason for this shift is the increasing popularity of terpenoids. Terpenoids are molecules found in cannabis that contribute to its flavor and aroma. They can also provide therapeutic benefits. So which is better: indoor or outdoor growing on terpenoids? Let's take a closer look. 


Outdoor-grown cannabis has been known to have higher terpenoid levels. This is due to the fact that it benefits from natural sunlight and other elements in its environment, giving it an edge over indoor growing. However, outdoor plants are also more susceptible to pests and disease, as well as fluctuations in weather conditions. For example, too much or too little rain can lead to mold and mildew, which can significantly reduce terpenoid levels. 

Indoor-grown cannabis, on the other hand, is typically more consistent in terms of environmental conditions and pest control. This means that growers can predict yields and harvest schedules more accurately. Plus, indoor grows allow for greater control over the amount of light and nutrients the plants receive, which can increase terpenoid levels. However, the more controlled environment in an indoor grow means that there is less diversity in terms of terpenoids.

Features Of Outdoor-Grown TERPENOIDS:

When it comes to terpenoids, outdoor grown cannabis tends to have more of them due to the presence of pollinators and natural elements that help create more chemical complexity. For instance, outdoor-grown cannabis can have higher levels of Bisabolol, Geraniol, Limonene and Caryophyllene oxide which give off a floral , spicy and citrus aroma. Outdoor grown cannabis also has higher levels of Myrcene, α-Pinene and β-Caryophyllene due to the natural sunlight it gets. 

Additionally, outdoor-grown cannabis often contains more moisture which can lead to a bolder taste profile than indoor-grown cannabis. This is because plants grown outside absorb more water from the air and soil, giving them a higher moisture content. 

Features Of Indoor-Grown Terpenoids:

Indoor-grown cannabis tends to have higher levels of cannabinoid like THC and CBD due to its controlled environment and optimized conditions that growers can provide such as light, temperature and air flow. This means that indoor-grown cannabis can have higher levels of THC and CBD than outdoor-grown cannabis, although this is not always the case. 

Indoor growers also have more control over light cycles which can lead to higher terpene concentrations since plants grown indoors receive more light for longer periods of time. Indoor growers are also able to adjust the amount of nutrients being given to the plants, as well as temperature and air flow which can have an effect on terpene levels. This means that indoor-grown cannabis has a more consistent aroma profile than outdoor-grown cannabis due to these controlled conditions. 


Ultimately, it's up to you to decide which growing method is best for you. If you want higher terpene levels, outdoor growing may be the way to go. However, if you're more concerned with consistency and predictability, indoor growing is likely the better option. Whichever method you choose, make sure to do your research beforehand so that you can get the most out of your cannabis plants. Happy growing!



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