Inhaling the Good, Exhaling the B.S.

With so much going on in our lives day to day, meditation has become a vital part for many people daily. It's s time to be mindful, centered, present, all things that typically get lost as we go about our days. For some people, meditation proves difficult as it's not always easy to get out of your own thoughts. If looking to begin your own meditation practice, I'd suggest starting with guided meditations - you can find many different versions online. 

Some of the  benefits of meditation include:

  • Reduces stress. Stress reduction is one of the most common reasons people try meditation

  • Controls anxiety

  • Promotes emotional health

  • Enhances self-awareness

  • Lengthens attention span

  • May reduce age-related memory loss

  • Can generate kindness

  • May help fight addictions

And once you get your practice down,  many people (myself included) use meditation as a way to manage stress daily, you know everyday stressors…like the road rage, kids, significant others… basically life. Cannabis has been shown to reduce stress reactivity. Many cannabis users also report that weed gives them a heightened awareness of their mind and body—and that parallel between the feeling of taking a few hits of weed and settling into meditation can make it easier to “drop in” and focus on the practice.

One thing to keep in mind, in order to be present start slowly incorporating different strands of cannabis and different meditation types in order to find what works best for you personally. 

As always check us out at Lucky Chuckie for all your Cannabis needs!


Quality over Quantity: high THC vs. best smoke


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