Self Care Plan for Election Day

Last week we talked about cannabis laws and the 2020 Election. And here we are, Tuesday November 3rd 2020...Election day

I hope you've voted in the early elections and if not have planned to get out and make your voice heard today. 

But, I did want to make sure we touched on self care because these are some mentally difficult days. Sharing some tips for election day specifically plus the days ahead.

  • Prepare a list of things to listen to. Compiled of your favorite upbeat music, or calming nature sounds. Or maybe your favorite podcast - and make sure you put Lucky Chuckie's High Maintenance podcast on there, perfect listening while lighting your jay in the air taking all the stress away. Available on all major platforms 

  • Knowing who you can talk to. Know which family members or friends can be your go to, for support, laughter or anything else.

  • Similar to your list of things to listen to, also gather a list of things to watch. Plan to catch up on your favorite light hearted shows. Also look to diy tutorials, TEDTalks. Anything that makes you feel good and keeps you away from the news.

  • Gather things you can taste and feel. Prepare your dinner ahead of time as well as have your favorite snacks on hand. 

  • Additionally, make sure you have your favorite cannabis items ready. Such as your favorite sweet treat edibles like Lucky Chuckie's Birthday Cake Sugar Cookies (my personal favorite), Oreo Brownies, or Reese's Brownies. Make sure you have plenty of flowers on hand as well, this week's featured strain Ice Cream has self care written all over it. The high usually starts with the Sativa effects, generating uplifting moods with heady cerebral sensations. The strain specification allows relaxation for those with high anxiety or depression. 

And don't forget, it's perfectly ok to not be productive today and the days ahead. Lucky Chuckie has you covered, we are here for you and don't forget when looking for weed in DC, we will deliver right to your front door. 


420 Friendsgiving


2020 Election and What You Need to Know