Smart Tips For Gifting Weed

As the gifting season approaches, many weed users are wondering what the best way to gift weed is. While there is no wrong answer, there are some smart tips that will make the experience more enjoyable for everyone involved. Here are a few of our favorites. 

1. Get to know the recipient’s cannabis preferences

If you’re not sure what kind of weed the person you’re gifting prefers, take some time to ask around or do a little research. Do they like indica or sativa strains? What about CBD levels? Knowing their preferences will help you choose a gift that they’re sure to love. 

2. Consider giving edibles or topicals as a gift

If you’re not sure what kind of weed the person you’re gifting prefers, take some time to ask around or do a little research. Do they like indica or sativa strains? What about CBD levels? Knowing their preferences will help you choose a gift that they’re sure to love. 

3. Put some thought into the packaging

Weed gifts don’t have to be expensive, but they should be well-packaged. If you’re giving edibles, make sure they’re in a child-proof container. If you’re giving weed flowers, consider using a pretty glass jar or box. Taking the time to package your gift nicely will show that you care. 

4. Include a Card with your Gift

A simple “Happy holidays!” a card can go a long way. Adding a personal message will make your gift even more special. 

5. Respect their Smoking Habit

Just because you like to smoke weed doesn’t mean the person you’re gifting does. If they don’t smoke, don’t force them to. Edibles or topicals are a great way to gift weed without forcing them into a smoking habit. 

6. Always Buy Legal

There's nothing worse than getting a gift that's not legal. Make sure you always buy your weed from a licensed dispensary or retailer. Not only is it the law, but you can be sure that the product is safe and of high quality. 

7. Choose the Right Strain

Not all strains are created equal. When gifting weed, take into consideration the recipient's needs and preferences. If they're new to cannabis, start with a low THC strain. If they suffer from anxiety or stress, look for a CBD-rich variety. And if they're looking for something to help them sleep, go for an indica-dominant hybrid. 

8. Get Creative With Your Packaging

Make your gift stand out by putting some thought into the packaging. You can find all sorts of creative containers at your local dispensary or head shop. Just make sure whatever you choose is airtight and smell-proof. 

9. Don't Forget the Accessories

Don't forget the accessories! If your friend doesn't have a good grinder, get them one. Or if they don't have a good pipe or bong, hook them up. You can also include some fun extras like rolling papers or lighters. 

10. Don’t assume you’ll be invited to partake

When giving weed as a gift, it's important to remember that not everyone is comfortable consuming cannabis. Some people may be new to trying it, while others may have negative associations with the drug. Be respectful of your recipient's comfort level and don't assume that they'll want to smoke or ingest your gift. It's always best to err on the side of caution and ask before assuming. 


Giving weed as a gift can be a fun and easy way to show your friends and loved ones that you care. Just remember to put some thought into it and always be respectful of their wishes. By following these simple tips, you're sure to make this holiday season one to remember.



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