Tips for losing weight while using Cannabis

Over the last 2 years I have lost 30 pounds while using cannabis every day. I did not go to a gym. I did not subscribe to a program. I did this on my own, using the knowledge I gathered from health and wellness literature, life experience and 1 visit with a registered dietician. I learned to love myself though spiritual and physical healing. This was a journey for me, like most of those who lose weightFirst of all, don’t let anyone tell you that you can’t lose weight and smoke weed because you absolutely can and I’m living proof of such. In this article I will explain numerous ways to lose weight without trying while completely stoned. I smoke every single day, and no mom I don’t have a problem!! There is no better experience than calling Lucky Chuckie and getting dc weed delivery be ACA use I don’t have a dispensary near me. I like to smoke sativas because it’s a natural appetite suppressant but I also like to smoke pink runtz, icelato, butterfingerz, lemon cherry gelato, bubblegum gelato and grape runtz are all reallllly good too. I need to try the edibles because they are more popular than ever this season. 

  1. ) Drink Water-this one is more interesting that your thinking it is.

It’s scientifically proven that drinking ice cold water will require your body to use 300 calories worth of energy to bring the internal temperature of the water up to body temperature. And in addition to that, drinking 2 glasses first thing in the morning will suppress your appetite for the remainder of the day, and help you feel more satiety when you do eat. Pretty cool right?! Drinking 

2.) Measuring everything

Digital food scales, measuring cups, teaspoons, smaller portions are just some of the keys to success. I love to get baked and eat and measuring my food while I prepare it is a cool proof way of accidentally eating too many calories

3.) weight yourself every day

This helps to identify trends throughout the month, and keeps your sanity if you are on the right path. I have been loggin my weight since 2015 and I’m glad because I’m almost back to where I started when I finished college. Our mind can play tricks on us, but if we use the tools we can understand the real stats without lying to ourselves. I don’t like doing it but I do like knowing that when I’m not on the scale I’m not gaining weight

4.) Don’t fly blind

Calculate your BMR and eat that amount of calories everyday combined with moderate effort to move around. Knowing your caloric needs is 1/2 the battle, the second half is counting the calories

5.) stop eating fast food

Have respect for yourself! Fast food is not food, period. Do not eat anything from a box or a bag because you know better!

6.) Hit your steps 

It took several months in a row to ramp my metabolism back up when I started but when I did kick it up a notch I found myself with more mental and physical energy everyday thereafter and the weight just started to fall off 

7.) Eat spicy 🌶 food

The spicier the food the better because it will speed up your metabolic rate cashing your body to burn more calories 

8.) Get enough sleep

Not getting enough sleep actually interferes with your blood sugar regulation the next day. If you think that’s sounds bad, then please take a nap

9.) love your self

Smoke, turn up the music, dance in the mirror, run in the rain! Take time to smoke and do a wellness activity of your choice. We have fewer and fewer moments to sit back and reflect on life. Weed is a phenomenal way to take time for yourself.

10.) Meal prep

I think I’m Jose Andres if I get high enough I start making Mexican food.  I make rice, beans, grill some steak and boom I have heathy food ready for the whole week. My point is that you can have a lot of fun creating new dishes and preparing them ahead of time so you have more time to smoke, chill andand relax during the week

11.) log everything 

I use the app made by under armor called MyFitnessPal. There is a direct correlation between self awareness and weight loss. For people like me this self awareness does not come naturally but it is something that I can manage with discipline

12.) Stop listening to your mother and the internet

Don’t listen to the bullshit people tell you about how this food is bad for you, and how that food will make you fat. There are no bad foods on this earth. Please shut out any and all dysfunctional influences and preconceived notions that you have with food. For example, I was always told that rice will make you fat, even if I ate a little bit, so I never ever ate it and felt deprived because I didn’t let myself enjoy it. I heard on tv that drinking a diet soda will cancel or void the calories in a regular soda. It’s misinformation like this that can really mess you up mentally and make you feel like you don’t understand what to do. Also, please do not try any weight loss tips from Pinterest because those things are purely for entertainment and not rooted in science or reality.

13.) Stop catering to you emotional need to eat and get a therapist 

Eat breakfast and breakfast time, lunch at lunch time and dinner at dinner time. Sounds easy right? Well it’s not that easy for some of us and we have to make an effort everyday just to get a baseline of a functional person. 

14.) Make a personal commitment to stop drinking soda. Diet and otherwise.

Just stop drinking soda if you want to lose the weight. I’d rather smoke we’d near me than drink sugar all day. Just Saying.

15.) No sugar for breakfast or lunch

Eating sugary breakfast food will kill your energy level fo the rest of the day, and the same is true if you have it for lunch. If you want to have sugar wait until 3pm for an afternoon treat or for dessert. The first food that touches your tounge in the beginning of the day determines your energy level for the rest of the day so if you don’t want to feel like crap then stop eating sugar.

16.) stop buying, ordering, making and eating fried food. You know better than that. 

17.) eat full fat and sugar 

Sugar free, fat free, low this, no added that. It’s all bullshit. When ever a natural ingredient is removed it’s replaced with unnatural substance made in a lab to taste like food. These foods send confusing signals to the brains no make it hard to concentrate mentally and feel good physically. There are no bad foods, but the consumption of artificial flavoring, or chemical substitute will surely sabotage your weight losss

I’m not here to tell you what to eat but I can tell you that these are the principle that I live by and the contributing factors to my successful and gradual 30 pound weight loss during the pandemic.

Developing this disciple is a like training muscle built up over time with constant practice. Pick a new habit and do it for a month, then add another one after the dust 30 days and so forth. Don’t start everything at the same time or your will be overwhelmed with the amount of change in your life.

These are some of the laziest and easiest tips and tricks that I have to share with you to help you shed some pounds while getting high. If you are struggling just remember that summer bodies are made in the winter months. Best of luck 🍀 


My thoughts on the medical benefits of smoking weed and a free rant about opioids


Cannabis in Virginia