What is Cannabis Distillate and How it Overcomes THC Needs

Cannabis users are always looking for new and innovative ways to consume the plant, and one of the latest trends is cannabis distillate. This relatively new product has been gaining in popularity due to its high THC content and lack of flavor. But what is cannabis distillate, and how does it differ from other cannabis products? Keep reading to find out. 

Cannabis distillate is a highly concentrated form of cannabis that has been extracted using a process known as distillation. This process removes all the plant matter, leaving behind only the cannabinoids and terpenes. The result is a clear, amber-colored liquid that is typically around 90% THC.

 Cannabis distillate is often used in edibles, topicals, and vape cartridges, as it can be easily added to these products without affecting the taste or smell. And because it is so potent, just a small amount is needed to achieve the desired effect. 

One of the main advantages of cannabis distillate is that it can be used to meet specific THC needs. For example, patients who require high doses of THC for medical purposes can use distillate to get the desired effect without having to smoke a large amount of cannabis. 

Cannabis distillate is also popular among those who want to avoid the psychoactive effects of THC. By using a vape cartridge or edible that contains distillate, they can get the benefits of CBD without the high. 

If you’re interested in trying cannabis distillate, be sure to check out our selection of products. We offer a variety of options, including vape cartridges, edibles, and topicals, all made with high-quality distillate.

What Is the Difference Between Distillate, Oil, and Isolate?

The main difference between distillate, oil, and isolate is the process by which they are made. 

Distillates are created through a process of molecular distillation, where cannabinoids are separated from one another using heat and pressure. This results in a highly purified product that contains little to no impurities.

 Oils, on the other hand, are typically made using a process called extraction. This involves using solvents like CO2 or ethanol to strip the cannabinoids from the plant material. The resulting product is less pure than a distillate, but still contains many of the same beneficial compounds. 

Isolates are the most pure form of CBD available on the market today. They are made by extracting CBD from the cannabis plant and then purifying it until there is nothing left but the isolated compound. This results in a product that is 99% pure CBD and contains no other cannabinoids, terpenes, or impurities. 


So, what is the best option for you? It really depends on your needs and preferences. If you are looking for a highly purified product with little to no THC, then a distillate may be the right choice. If you want a product that still contains other beneficial compounds like terpenes and flavonoids, then an oil may be a better option. And if you are looking for a pure CBD isolate, then isolate is the way to go. No matter which option you choose, you can be sure that you are getting a high-quality product that contains CBD.



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