What Is Myrcene?

Myrcene. It's a word you may have never heard before, but it's in cannabis and it does something important. What is myrcene and why should you care? Myrcene is a terpene, which is an essential oil that exists in plants. Terpenes are responsible for the smells and flavors of plants, including cannabis. Myrcene is known for being the most abundant terpene in cannabis and it has some pretty impressive benefits. Keep reading to learn more about this interesting terpene! 


Myrcene is found in many other plants, including thyme, hops, lemongrass, and mangoes. In cannabis, myrcene is known to be responsible for the “couch lock” feeling that some users experience when they smoke certain strains of cannabis. Myrcene has a deep earthy, musky smell that can also be described as being slightly herbal. 

When it comes to the benefits of myrcene, there are many! Myrcene has an analgesic effect which makes it useful for treating pain. It’s also known to have anti-inflammatory properties and is commonly used in aromatherapy treatments. Additionally, myrcene has been found to have sedative effects which can help users relax and fall asleep more easily. Some research even suggests that myrcene may be able to reduce anxiety levels. 

Finally, some studies suggest that myrcene could increase the bioavailability of cannabis compounds like THC and CBD, meaning they are more easily absorbed into the body. This could make strains of cannabis with higher levels of myrcene more potent, leading to a stronger psychoactive experience.

How common is myrcene in cannabis?

Myrcene is the most abundant terpene found in cannabis, occurring at levels of up to 50% of the total terpene content. It is also found in a variety of other plants including mangoes, hops, bay leaves and verbena. Studies have shown that myrcene has potential therapeutic applications, such as anti-inflammatory, anxiolytic and analgesic effects. 

Myrcene has a distinct aroma that is earthy and herbal. It has an unmistakable aroma that can range from sweet to spicy depending on the strain of cannabis it’s found in. The presence of myrcene can also determine the type of effects cannabis will have on the individual. 

There are several ways to increase the levels of myrcene in cannabis. One way is to use a technique called “curing”, which involves slowly drying and curing the plant material over time. This process helps to break down some of the molecules in the terpenes, causing them to become more volatile and therefore increase the aroma of the cannabis. Additionally, introducing certain stressors such as light and temperature can also increase myrcene levels in cannabis plants. 

Overall, myrcene is one of the most abundant terpenes found in cannabis, giving it an unmistakable odor and potential therapeutic effects. With proper cultivation techniques, it’s possible to increase myrcene levels in cannabis, unlocking its full potential.


Myrcene is an interesting and important terpene in cannabis. It has an earthy smell and many potential benefits that make it worth investigating further. So next time you’re looking for a strain of cannabis, be sure to check the myrcene levels! It could make all the difference.



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