SATIVA- 60/40 THC- 20%

White Widow is a cross between Brazil Sativa X South Indian Indica. Smokers will feel this in their heads, like a cerebral wave washing over them. The flavor is clean and pine-fresh, with a hint of citrus on the exhalation. This strain is especially good for depression, stress, pain, and PTSD. 

What this strain lacks in flavor profile, it makes up for in quick-acting cerebral effects. Users can become more acutely perceptive of their surroundings, tuned into sounds and patterns that may have gone unnoticed before. Enthusiasts also describe an almost immediate uplift in mood, energy, and focus that can be applied to either mundane tasks like cleaning or more complex problem-solving processes. White Widow can also be creatively valuable, inducing a kind of rapid-fire thought association that can open up some previously unexplored territory.

Look For white widow: Lucky Chuckie / Cannabis Store in DC.

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