It’s cold in DC, but I have weed delivery near me so I’m Good.

It’s beginning to look alot like FRIDIG, and Christmas. It’s cold outside. Grab your ear muffs, smoke that j and get in the spirit because the only way santa claus is coming to town this year is in shipping container. In my attempt to “get ahead of the game” I was shopping on amazon for my niece and was horrified to see that the toy she wanted was $35 and would not arrive until February, yep. Things that would normally take 1-2 weeks are taking 1-2 months right now. I did a bit of reading on this and it turns out that Norfolk and so many other ports around the country are faced with labor shortages, but not only that their capability to unload the shipping containers is grossly hindered because the chassy’s keep breaking. And you guessed it-the chassis are manufactured overseas!!!

I recently drove over the Chesapeake Bay Bridge on my way to Delaware and looked out over the water only to see 10 cargo ships sitting idle in the bay waiting for their turn to unload the containers. A friend of mine who works in the shipyard told me that typically they would unload 10-12 containers a day but right now they are lucky to move 4 or 5.

In addition to that, they have to unload the shipping containers in the order in which they are received, and there are TONS of containers filled with expired food and consumer goods. Entire containers of fresh produce, dairy, meats and cheeses are going completely to waste due to the delays. Since this time lasts year meat prices have risen 20%, hotels have risen 20% and rental rental cars 50%. Most, if not all of the pills that people take for cancer, pain management, seizures, and depression are all made in, yep.

There is some production here for the casings and the filler ingredients but China has a grip on the raw materials. Even the recalled cars on the metro were manufactured overseas rendering the DC Metro area captive to the response from the manufacturer before things could get back up and running again and caused headache, heartache, job loss and lost wages for those who depend on it for work.

It’s really interesting that someone on the other side of the world is doing it with less pay, less quality of life and less job security so we can have new telecom, pharma and affordable goods. The supply of cannabis is an area now and will continue to be unaffected by the world's problems and once they are able to tax the sale of the product our economy can start benefiting from the sale of it. I’m not a mathematician or an economist but I do know that I’d rather buy weed that was grown in America and know that the grower, and everyone else involved in the supply chain is local to the US and benefiting from the sale.

If all of this is getting to you the way that its getting at me, then I recommend you smoke some exotic like rainbow road, pink soda, gum drop are just a few of the things that Lucky Chuckie can deliver to make you think, reflect, and relax. These are hard times for folks who have a hard time putting food on the table as it is. The cost of thanksgiving dinner this time versus last year is 5% higher. Thats like telling someone they can have it but its going to be more expensive and 5% smaller than last year.

I am so thankful for everything that I have and a few things I plan on gifting to my friends for the holidays include flavored tincture like white chocolate peppermint and frosted cinnabun, also cannabis infused organic seasonings like black pepper, seasoning salt, paprika, and cayenne pepper. 30 million pounds of weed is grown in the US and that revenue is here kept in the US. If the United states taxed that estimated revenue at a rate of lets say they would generate a new revenue stream entirely. Now don't get me wrong, I like not paying taxes on weed right now but I also see the benefit for our economy. It's too bad these dinosaurs on capitol hill didn't move fast on this when they had the chance because right now instead of a crumbling inflated economy we

could be booming with results from a fully legalized cannabis fueled economy. Cannabis is not just a source of tax revenue but a fountain of new job opportunities. Brighter days are ahead. Snuggle up, stay warm, stock up on your favorite things because its going to be a long winter but at least I have weed delivery near me so I can never run out of what makes me happy.


The Box on 14th & 24 hours with Gummy Bunz


DC gears up to allow Cannabis sales for adult use