Avoid Being Scammed For Your Weed in Cannabis

We have been made aware of people trying to use the Lucky Chuckie name to take advantage of our customers. Lucky Chuckie the #1 Weed Delivery Service only takes two forms of payment cash or debit. We ask that you be aware of people putting our name or logo on any menus, flyers, etc. We only put our name and logo on things that we produce and insure as a company. Lucky Chuckie strives on proving the best weed in dc and the best cannabis experience.

The cannabis industry is predicted to cross the benchmark of $25 billion by the year 2025. With the industry soaring in recent times, you will often come across counterfeit businesses claiming to be legit marijuana vendors. These imposters will appear so authentic that you will almost fall for their swindles. 

All of this is of course a consequence of the recent flexibility with respect to marijuana laws in the States and several other regions of the world. More and more people are willing to try marijuana to experience its medical and recreational benefits. This is therefore a business opportunity for fraudulent businesses to make the most of this market. Continue reading to find out how you can get your hands on some authentic weed and avoid being scammed. 

1. A Vague Website Is A Major Red Flag

There are several ways to distinguish scams from authentic businesses: The most popular one being the website check. Do your research. Survey the website thoroughly to check if the contact information and addresses are mentioned accurately. If the site has a widget for blogs, verify how long ago they started posting. If the blog posts are very recent, know that it’s time to flee the scene. Keep an eye out for poor grammar and web text that seems a bit too salesy. If the deal seems too good to be true, run. Too many pop-ups that hinder your view of the site are also an indication of danger. 

2. Verify The Company’s Social Media Presence

While it is okay if the vendor doesn’t have a huge social media following, it is definitely not okay if the social media handles seem too newly set up. To get your hands on top-class authentic weed, go for older and more experienced businesses. Trying new businesses for products that directly interact with your health is not the best of options. Plus, if the pictures on the social media handles seem like they’ve been downloaded straight off of Pinterest, you know what to do 🏃‍. 

3. Legit Marijuana Vendors Will Always Provide More Information Than Appear Salesy

The thing about weed sales is that even when the legalization process seems to be progressing, the entire market seems to be somewhat in a grey area with the laws being slightly confusing still. To enlighten their customers, legit weed vendors will always work on providing more information about marijuana laws rather than hitting the jackpot with sales. Check for information regarding the Initiative 71 and dos and don’ts ofmarijuana possession. 

The Bottom Line 

Authentic weed vendors are only a teardrop in an ocean of counterfeit businesses. You may use the above-stated guide to grab hold of legit, scam-free marijuana businesses. Or you can simply visit Lucky Chuckie and find exactly what you were looking for or more. Who knows, you might also be interested in signing up for an amazing cannabis tour if you're a true weed fanatic. Wish you luck!


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