Pot and Pride: Restoring Ties between the Cannabis Club and the LGBTQ Community

Did you know that there are several similarities between the LGBTQ community and cannabis as a commodity? Both happen to be controversial subjects in society and furthermore, they both have been in a tedious struggle for legality. Today, society somewhat approves of the two. However, this journey has brought the two together in close bonds. 

Many businesses have been stepping on the pride month bandwagon to cash their businesses. After all, if the pride community were a country, it would have been one of the biggest, sturdiest economies in the world. Therefore, since weed is fairly new to the market, a popular yet a hush-hush subject, it is also cashing out on this enchanting business opportunity. 

But what has pride month got to do with cannabis? Well, everything! Pride month is all about parties, events, festivals, and most importantly: The Pride Parade. Simply put, what even is a celebration if you aren't rolling your joints in it? 

How to Get High for the Pride March 

Mhm, it’s that time of the year again. You're excited; you can already feel the adrenaline rushing through your bloodstream. You want to take a step back and relax. What do you do? You go and get some weed. But most importantly, what kind of weed do you need? You certainly do not want to end up in a couch lock during the best time of the year. Rather, you should go for something that will uplift you. 

You're looking for something that will enhance your focus and leave you more energized than before, something with just the right amount of THC. This is exactly the reason why you should know your strains. When you're done educating yourself regarding strains, all you need to do is find an online dispensary that operates 24/7 round the clock. Ensure that it’s a trustable one too. Check out Lucky Chuckie to save yourself some effort. When you're done exploring, place your order so that your shipment arrives just in time for pride month. 

Things to Keep In Mind before Getting High 

It is critical to note here that regulations surrounding cannabis vary with respect to areas. Hence, while the laws may be very flexible in some states, they might be very rigid in others. If you're traveling to DC for Pride event – which you should – note that the Initiative 71 forbids you to consume weed on public property or any place that comes under federal land. You are also not to be found with more than two ounces of marijuana at a time. 

Driving any sort of vehicle (cars, motorcycles, boats, etc.) under the influence of weed is strictly prohibited and will get you behind bars. Most importantly, you are supposed to be 21 years old or older in order to get your hands on weed legally. Plus, you cannot exchange weed with another individual in exchange for money or any other form of compensation or favors. 


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