difference between recreational and medical dispensary.

If you've been considering about buying weed from a Recreational dispensary but find yourself wondering, “What is a recreational dispensary? What’s a medical dispensary? How do I tell the difference? ” then you’ve come to the right blog. With more states starting to legalize recreational marijuana, now is the best time to learn.

As some people associate marijuana with illegal activities and the black market, you may feel a bit nervous about buying it. However, there is a growing body of data that suggests cannabis can be used to treat a wide range of diseases and conditions. It's also been around for ages, and it's known for its medicinal properties. Marijuana Dispensaries exist because federal law prohibits cannabis from being prescribed and filled at pharmacies. What is a dispensary without the marijuana? A place that specializes in carrying and selling a specific type of product. So, a marijuana dispensary is where you want to go when you need any type of cannabis product. There are recreational as well as medical marijuana dispensaries depending on which state you are in.

Let's look at the differences between recreational and medical marijuana with that in mind.

What Is A Medical Dispensary?

The first public marijuana dispensary in the United States is the San Francisco Cannabis Buyers Club which the late, great Dennis Peron operated when it started in 1992. Since then, hundreds of medical dispensaries have opened all around California. There are now medical dispensaries in more than half of the states in the country.

You’ll need the necessary documentation before you can enter most medical marijuana dispensaries. So have your recommendation before your first visit. The receptionist will ask for your ID and a medical marijuana recommendations or ID card from a doctor. If your ID is from another state you may be asked to provide proof of residency. Many dispensaries offer deals and discounted prices to medical marijuana patients. Anyone that smokes regularly may end up saving money in the long-run by purchasing a medical marijuana card.

What Is A Recreational Dispensary?

A recreational marijuana dispensary allows anyone from anywhere above the age of 21 to purchase cannabis products legally. Depending on the state, the supply of medical and recreational cannabis could be completely separate or nearly identical. The benefits to recreational dispensaries are that you won’t have to pay for a medical marijuana recommendation.

However, recreational taxes are putting a strain on the legal market in certain states. In some states, there is no tax or less tax for medical marijuana. As a result, some people continue to renew their medical marijuana recommendations.

Entering a recreational marijuana dispensary is much simpler than a medical one. You will still have to show security your ID proving you’re of age. If it is a medical and recreational dispensary, the receptionist will ask you if your visit is recreational or medicinal.

Those with a medical marijuana recommendation that are visiting for the first time will have to register with the receptionist before entering. Everyone else can proceed to the dispensing area to pick their products and pay.


Marijuana consumption for recreational use is allowed in Washington state; however, it must be noted that you cannot operate a motor vehicle under the influence. Ensuring you possess the proper amounts defined by the updated Washington state law is essential for avoiding potential legal consequences, even if you are visiting.

Legal under Initiative 71 and D.C.’s Marijuana laws :

It is legal for adults 21 years of age or older to:

  • Possess 2 ounces or less of marijuana;

  • Grow within their primary residence up to six marijuana plants, no more than three of which are mature;

  • Transfer 1 ounce or less of marijuana to another person as long as: (1) no money, goods, or services are exchanged; and (2) the recipient is 21 years of age or older; and

  • Consume marijuana on private property.


It’s 4/20 !!!


420 celebration week guide.