I’ll Take You to The Candy Shop

Come with me for a min, back to when you were a child. Remember those candy stores in the mall, full of all different treats to give you that "sugar high"? Me personally, my first love has always been anything gummy... you can keep the chocolate just give me all of the gummies!! Ok, now that I took you down memory lane... I know you're like, "come on girl, what was the purpose of that...?" So as I was saying, candy shop, stronger than sugar... you got it edible gummies! They're like a one/two punch, sweet tasting on the tongue, and quick acting on the high! Similar to weed, yes gummies will get you high but there different varieties based on your needs. Lately, I've been experiencing back pains...you know how after 30 everything breaks down? And if you're not quite 30 yet, take notes. The Mercy gummie bear has become my BFF! It's 50mg per gummy, made with medical grade cannabis. Takes my pain right away! I mean why would you take some man-made pain reliever when mother nature has provided us all we need. These gummies will help you with everything from minor aches and pains, to chemo relief for cancer patients. And best of all, when you're looks for weed in DC, Lucky Chuckie keeps these well stocked in their inventory, just give us a call and we will hook you right up! Let's us be your new Candy Shop!


What A Year!
