What A Year!

2020 has been a year to remember for sure. January came, we all remember... 5, 4, 3, 2, 1... HAPPY NEW YEAR! And next thing you know, we're living in times we never could've imagined in our wildest dreams. Suddenly faced with a pandemic - literally avoiding your loved ones just to keep them safe, no hugs hello or goodbye. Jobs were lost, stocks crashed, the economy closed, and lives were lost. Oh and if that wasn't enough, the death of George Floyd took place and we felt the impact, because we looked on the TV and saw our uncle, brother, cousin, friend. Even if we couldn't relate because we aren't a person of color, if we had any ounce of empathy running through us, we felt it... we understood the injustice that had taken place and that Black Lives Matter. Then came the sentencing of the "officer" in the Breonna Taylor, again witness to further injustice in this country. Where property damage was valued higher than that of a human life! Again, as I said before 2020 has literally been tough as shit. And to be totally transparent, I've had my days where I felt like I just couldn't cope with the stress of it all... I'm sure you know the feeling I'm talking about and the good news is we're all in this together. You know the days that your mind just wanders where you get stuck think about the downs... yeah there's been a lot more of those days for me this year too. I personally found my peace by smoking a nice Sativa, Indica, or Hybrid depending upon what my needs were for the day. No I'm not saying it took the problems of the world away but, what I am saying is that it eased my mind, relaxed my anxieties, allowed me to sleep and focus, basically it allowed me to function. And when looking for weed in DC, I only trust one source. And that is Lucky Chuckie because they have everything you need to maintain your sanity. One thing that I have to remind you of, is that 2020 is also an election year. If you're reading this, and relating because you literally lived this... you should know the importance of this election. Make your voice heard. Are you registered? If not, that's step 1! Next, make your plan... similar to everything else in 2020, this is not normal circumstance. So, plan it out and be safe! We can't do this for 4 more years!!!


Truth Hurts


I’ll Take You to The Candy Shop