Marijuana Myths | Separating the Facts from Controversies

We might think that marijuana is only gaining immense popularity recently. However, it’s been in existence long before we can estimate. Some pollen-study research also suggests that the plant evolved some 28 million years ago. That being said, it wasn’t always known as the psychoactive drug that it is titled to be today. In fact, it was used long before medicines were invented to treat or relieve illnesses and discomfort.

Morgan Freeman isn't the only famous person who used marijuana for medical purposes. If truth be told, Queen Victoria used it to alleviate her menstrual cramps. Regardless of its prestige as a medical miracle, marijuana has always been subject to absurd, baseless controversies. In this text, we’ll attempt to debunk several of them. Read on.

1. Marijuana Use Leads To Criminal Activity

While marijuana does alter your mental state by inducing a high, it certainly does not foster criminal instincts in you. This myth is backed up by the fact that the majority of the offenders of the state have at some point consumed marijuana in their lives. Even so, since marijuana doesn’t cause you to become aggressed as alcohol does it’s safe to say that it doesn’t motivate criminal activity.

What’s critical to note here is that driving under the influence of marijuana is considered unlawful for obvious reasons. Doing so might put the lives of other drivers and pedestrians at risk which is in fact a criminal offense. Nevertheless, since marijuana is most reputable to make you feel relaxed or enhance your focus so it is highly unlikely that it will stimulate evil instincts.

2. Marijuana Use Causes Cancer

All kinds of smoke contain carcinogens that hold the potential to lead to cancer followed by excessive use in the long run. However, there is ample research evidence to demonstrate that marijuana smoke is less harmful than tobacco smoke. Additionally, marijuana smokers don’t smoke as much as tobacco smokers do. Getting high once a day works well for the majority of marijuana users whereas, tobacco smokers consume 5 cigarettes or more in a day on average.

As a matter of fact, some clinical evidence also suggests that the cannabis plant contains properties that may potentially mitigate the growth of some cancers. More trials and testing are needed to declare it a possible treatment for cancer. But we do know for a fact that cannabis is widely used to comfort some cancer symptoms like nausea, discomfort, etc.

3. Marijuana Use Is Detrimental To Health

Out of all the myths surrounding the cannabis plant, this is found to be the most ridiculous one. There is substantial research evidence available online to prove the medical benefits of marijuana for ailments that could rarely have been comforted otherwise.

So many celebrities and reputable figures globally have been very vocal about using marijuana for medical purposes. It only has several side effects that are followed by the use of any kind of drug or medication. However, it is still less harmful than tobacco and alcohol. Our aim at Lucky Chuckie is to put an end to rumors and hearsay surfacing regarding marijuana usage. We look forwards to educating the people for the benefit of the entire community.





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