A Beginners Guide to Legal Cannabis in Washington DC

The good news is that cannabis is legal in the capital city. The bad news is that the laws are still pretty strict. Even so, something is always better than nothing. Cannabis has been reported to be the medical miracle of the 21st century. Why? Because: It soothes pain, alleviates anxiety, promotes a healthier skin if applied topically, and helps with a number of other mental and physiological conditions.

Since the plant has been subject to profound controversies in history, it holds a negative connotation to date and hence the confusingly strict legalization. To get your hands on legal cannabis in the District of Columbia, you primarily need to acknowledge and understand the laws surrounding it to avoid getting yourself into trouble. For this very purpose, continue reading.

So, Is Weed Really Legal In DC?

Take it with a grain of salt but yes, it is pretty much legal to possess and consume weed in DC. However, since it is still illegal on the federal level, you can still be detained if found consuming weed on federal property. The first thing to note is that Initiative 71 (the voter-approved ballot initiative) permits weed consumption and possession for individuals who are at least 21 or above. In addition to that, weed can’t actually be purchased here in DC. Rather, it can be gifted.

If you feel relieved about the gifting part, it’s too early to feel elated. You may only gift up to 1 ounce a person. During this gifting process, you must not exchange any kind of monetary or non-monetary goods. Considering this regulation, the business world has come up with gift shops where customers purchase everything from cups to hats, and t-shirts, and get a free pre-roll or some quantity of weed (1 ounce or less) as a gift along with their purchase.

Furthermore, you must not be found carrying any more than 2 ounces of weed with you at a time. As mentioned earlier, smoking on federal property is prohibited by law. In layman’s terms, smoke only on your private property. If you are planning to smoke outside the boundaries of your house, ensure it’s a place not too open to the public. Also, ensure that it’s free of law enforcement officers to avoid getting caught.

Driving any sort of vehicle (car, motorcycle, boat, private jet, etc) under the influence of marijuana is strictly prohibited as it puts your life and the life of those around you in grave danger. Growing at home is only permitted for up to 6 pots, only 3 of which may be in the maturity phase.

How to Get Legal Weed in Dc

Oh, it’s quite straightforward. Simply make your way to our online shop at Lucky Chuckie, find something you like, and place your orders right away. If you're new to the world of cannabis, you may also make your way through the strain information widget to fill yourself up on the many kinds of strains available, their respective attributes, their genetic background, and the effects they’ll have on your mind and body.


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