Strains? Yep, we got that!

Trying Indica, Sativa, and Hybrid Strains of Cannabis Around Washington, DC

Millions of people live and visit the different attractions in Washington, DC. Now more than ever, those same people like to partake in a trip to the local shops, dispensaries, and delivery services available since cannabis use was made legal in the District. They come from all over to sample the different herbal blends explicitly grown in the DC area. With such high demand, it only makes sense that weed production has increased drastically. There are so many types and strains of products available now that it can be a little overwhelming when you’re trying to make a choice. Here is a quick rundown of some of the more popular cannabis strains available on the market in DC today.

The Three Most Popular Strains

Most growers stick to three main strains of weed to create their product lines. They are indica, sativa, and hybrid. Each has its own unique qualities that people seek to help with different needs like sleeping, pain management, and feeling an overall sense of relaxation. DC is an up-and-coming haven for cannabis products and accessories because of the new law allowing private use. People are even allowed to grow a small number of their own plants, which has led to a considerable increase in different types and varieties of weed.

The Healing Power of Indica Cannabis

Indica strains are typically associated with physical properties for relaxing during a movie or to help you sleep as you go to bed. It has its origins from being discovered in India as a harvest of seeds, fiber, and hashish. The plants are more stout with broad leaves that induce a calm, sleepy wholeness over your body. This excellent strain of leaf creates a full-body effect that will, for example, leave your limbs feeling heavy or give you a slightly tingly face. Indica is extremely helpful in creating a relaxed state that will leave you feeling somewhat euphoric, happy, and sleepy. It is an excellent resource to curb the effects of insomnia so you can get a whole night's sleep.

People in Washington, DC can absolutely utilize Indica strains in their daily routines to manage the stress from their everyday life. There are many high-powered jobs around DC and a lot of human congestion that may lead you to needing a break. Use Indica to relax for the evening, so your body is better prepared for the next day.

The Uplifting Power of Sativa

Where Indica is more of a relaxation strain of cannabis, sativa does more to uplift your spirits and energy. This is the strain you want to use around DC when you are planning on going out with friends or need to be a little more engaged in conversation. It was founded in the hemp fields of Europe and Western Eurasia and has tall, narrow leaves.

Sativa will give you more of a head high similar to infusing your mind with a stimulating effect. The products made from this strain tend to help a lot with anxiety and stress while also adding a little extra focus and boost to your creativity.

The Perfect Balance of a Hybrid Strain

Hybrid strains are just what you think. They are the blending of both indica and sativa descended plants. Cannabis has a long, rich history of being crossbred to get different results. Hybrid strains pick and choose from the various effects of both sativa and indica based on the whims of the grower. You can get a decent idea of what to expect by looking at the leaves from a hybrid plant (i.e. bigger leaves for indica, taller plants for sativa).

There are a lot of factors in picking different strains of cannabis for your personal use. DC is a big area, and people have different needs depending on the lives they live. If you are still confused and need an extra bit of help, you should reach out to the experienced budtenders at This fantastic Washington, DC delivery service is here to answer all your questions about which strain of weed is best for your specific situation. Think of them the same way you would a bartender when you’re trying a new drink.

As always, be sure to use your next cannabis product responsibly and away from public areas. We want to keep the new legal freedoms secure in DC and ask that you respect those ordinances so we can continue to grow, develop, and explore all sorts of new cannabis strains for your pleasure. Thank you for visiting, and be sure to check out our fantastic line of products and accessories for new items. Check us out on social media as well!


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