Truth Hurts

I think we've all been here before, that moment when you have an internal reality, like that moment you can honestly come to terms with something about yourself. Well let me just say, I recently had one of those moment and yes, I know the song is old but the Lizzo lyrics really did begin to resonate with me. "I just took a DNA test, turns out I'm 100% that bitch. Even when I'm crying crazy" Ok, so let me be honest I didn't really come to terms with this by myself but I took the feedback, processed it and owned it. So, story goes like this. Recently I tried a gummy edible with my significant other, immediately I felt relaxed and at ease. You might be saying well duh... but here's the kicker my significant other pointed out my truth, that I'm high strung, it's just my personality but the edible allowed me to calm my ass down and let's just say be more enjoyable to be around. I didn't take any offense, you know why...? Because it's no surprise to me, life these days has gotten to be a lot. So much so that I can't even wind down at night without my head spinning in a million directions. This world is enough to make anyone "high strung". So, here I am a suburban mom now thinking about how I can purchase weed in DC in order to bring calmness to my life and all around me. A friend of mine told me about Lucky Chuckie, they mentioned that they would deliver right to my door and do it discreetly, no one would even know. So, I went out on their word, placed my order and, the rest is history, they are now my go to company. So, maybe you're just looking for something to explore and enjoy with your friends or maybe you're like me and looking for something to take the edge off life, good news the Lucky Chuckie menu has everything for all of your needs whether medicinal or recreational. Check them out for pick-up or delivery of all your cannabis needs in the DMV.


High Maintenance


What A Year!