Winter Blues

Living in DMV can be amazing when it comes to seasons, we actually get to experience all four… Spring, Summer, Winter and Fall. At the same time some of us have our favorites, me personally I'm a Spring/Summer girl, I live for the vitamin D of the sun, longer days, Summer nights. I love the change of leaves in Fall but, I gotta admit it definitely starts to change my mood when I feel the crispness in the air mixed with the days getting shorter. Because to me it really just means that Winter is basically here and that always meant a sadness that would start to come over me… a feeling of being alone, and overall feeling of just being depressed. A few years back, I started to realize that these feelings were more than just down days and that I was actually going through Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) aka The Winter Blues. However, I also realized I wasn't alone, in fact this condition actually affects 10 million Americans and other studies suggest another 10% to 20% may suffer from mild SAD, with the majority being women. So, once I found out what the real issue at hand was, I was able to find ways to cope. A few things that help me are regular exercise (especially yoga), meditation, and eating a balanced diet. I know, I know… when you're just feeling at your lowest, these things aren't always easy. And along with these coping mechanisms, I also found that cannabinoids found within cannabis definitely helped to aid on stabilizing my mood. And it wasn't anything I made up, there was actually scientific evidence. As both THC and CBD have been proven to be mood enhancing and increase happiness, a substitute for other unhealthy recreational habits, relaxant, increase in serotonin levels, reduce anxiety, and reduce insomnia. In particular certain strains are better than others, and few of my go-to's are Pineapple Express, Girl ScoutCookies, and Sour Diesel. All of these will definitely boost both your mood and energy and help bring you out of your sadness. How do I get my weed in DC? The best thing is that Lucky Chuckie always has anything I need, whether I'm looking for flowers, edibles, or even beverages… the Lucky Chuckie menu is a great variety! Check them out, they'll help you get what you need, what you're looking to take care of your Winter Blues or just get high.


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