Women Health Week | the Benefits of Cannabis for Epidermal Health

Cannabis or more commonly known as medical marijuana is gaining immense popularity, especially after the Food and Drug Authority approved its usage for epilepsy seizures. While the commodity has been prominent for its health benefits in history, it was banned in the 20th century following the controversies surrounding its usage. However, these regulations were short-lived as cannabis was once again legalized for medical and recreational use recently.

Through history, we know that Queen Victoria used cannabis for her menstrual cramps. There is no better good news than this one as women are always on the hunt for a medication that can get rid of those gut-busting cramps. Besides its medical application, cannabis, or more specifically its non-psychoactive (will not get you high) compound CBD (short for cannabidiol) is also gaining recognition in the beauty and wellness industry. Let’s explore for what reasons.

CBD Usage for Skin

There are 3 common ways to take CBD for your skin health.

• Topical

• Sublingual

• Edible

Topical CBD refers to the CBD-based lotions, serums, oils, and creams that you can apply directly to the skin. There’s an ample amount of research available online to prove why these products are safe for use; of course, you'll need to obtain them from a trusted vendor first.

Sublingual CBD refers to products like oils and tinctures that you don’t directly ingest but slowly by keeping them in your mouth. The correct way to take sublingual CBD is to use a dropper and place a drop of two of oil or tincture under your tongue. Slowly and gradually, the product will make it down your system. This is a popular method of CBD consumption as the effects of it last longer.

Then we have edible CBD which can be taken as food supplements. There’s an exciting range of products to choose from as per your liking. You may purchase CBD gummies, capsules, sour patches, lollipops, brownies, honey, butter, or even CBD ice cream. Edibles are easier to ingest because of their appealing taste and aesthetic. However, the effects take a little longer to appear and last lesser than other modes of CBD consumption.

Benefits of CBD for Skin

Cannabis has been known to help women in medieval times with their skin problems. In ancient history, women used the plant as an essential ingredient in their skincare masks and face packs. Besides examples from history, through research-based evidence we know that CBD has been effective in treating dull and wrinkled skin. It helps with skin tightening and therefore can be used as an anti-aging ointment.

Other than that, it has been used to treat inflamed skin and other conditions like eczema, itchiness, psoriasis, etc. The therapeutic healing properties of cannabis act as an antioxidant for your skin and can therefore heal and prevent pimples and zits. To obtain more information regarding cannabis, its regulations, and other news, check out our site Lucky Chuckie. You might also find some products that may interest you.


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